Our Work This Week

This week we met 3 times to continue work on the game. Gordon and Branan have continued working to implement mesh skinning on the GPU. Having finished implementing it on the CPU which caused major framerate issues, we knew that running it on the GPU was the only possibility. They are currently struggling to sort out the BVH files which appears t0 be missing joints, which is a problem on the GPU, as the joints must match perfectly.

Mack and I have began to collect Foley sounds for our game. We spent the day recording sounds in forest behind campus. We recorded our footsteps through the leaves, breaking branches, and a large stick hitting a tree, to simulate a sword hitting wood. We also recorded water running from the pond behind south village. We recorded a number of other random sounds to use as we need them.

Gary has been devoting his time to creating gameplay elements. Currently we are able to move and jump in 3D space. He has spent the week working on adding proper collision detection, as well as adding shadows. He has also been working on adding the combat system to the game. He has also been working with Gordon to ensure proper file parsing, and assisting with the problems Gordon and Branan have been experiencing.

Branan, Rachel and I have continued to produce Art Assets for our game. Branan and I have been doing all of the modelling, while Rachel puts the finishing touches on the assets, and paints the textures onto them in Mudbox. I have been producing all of the minor art assets, as well as working on level designs. Branan has been working on our main characters model, as well as rigging any models which require animation.

Overall our production is coming along nicely, and if we keep up our current pace we should have a quality game prepared for the Game Con in April.

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