This reading week

Hey all another team overlord update. Obviously this week there hasn’t been a lot to say since everyone I’m sure has been spending quite some time this week furiously studying for the midterms coming up. So I know overall there wouldn’t be a lot of team collaboration this week because I know that each member of the group was assigned tasks to cater to and details were hammered out before the break.

Anyway so this week as far as I know the artists are still pretty much working on models from a list our main artist compiled together and are working on level designs.Gary’s also already done an amazing job with the math classes and parsing for a bvh file as everything from what I’ve used from it all work totally fine. He’s also still working on as he’s mentioned before a camera and player control system for our game.  As for me I’ve been working solidifying the AI system for our game and think the way it’s currently structured is fairly clean and organized. Another thing I’ve been lately working on is our full blown animations system for our game where we will be doing actual skeletal animations for our characters.  The way its progressing so far I think is right on track after some testing with Gary’s parsing for the bvh , we so far have  a framework skeleton animating which is awesome.


Yay skeletons

I also have been running a lot debugging tests and such as well as basically now having all frames of animation for our skeleton represented by quaternion orientations instead which makes it even better and smoother to animate. Some things I’ve also been working on with animations is interpolation of key frames which I have been using slerp for and is one of the key elements that need to get ironed out, hopefully by next week it’ll be done as it’s important to be able to blend the animations in a nice clean organized manner. Also as a goal next week I’m hoping to have it so characters are fully skinned and animated properly as well as fully fleshing out the framework so I have fairly good idea how to further set it up as soon I have my hands on a rigged character.

Here’s hoping we’ll have prettier and cooler stuff to show next week.
